Our Courses


“Something that I highly valued about the residency was the mentorship. I feel that mentorship from an OCS residency trained therapist is an intangible edge for advancing skills in the clinic; both hands on and clinical reasoning. It was the largest pull for me to undergo the residency program. It definitely lived up to my expectations. The modules providing up to date literature and fellowship presentations were also very useful and thorough. They helped me make clinical connections for diagnostic, prognostic, and treatment aspects of each body region. Emphasizing the use of body charts and the importance of a thorough subjective exam has done wonders for increasing patient buy-in, helping with my hypothesis development and organizing the flow of my examination. “

-Josh R


“The labs throughout the year (Misty is fantastic!). These really helped to further develop my manual skills + interventions. The one on one mentor time was so valuable to me as well! My mentor gave me great feedback and really helped me to develop my clinical reasoning skills. I also enjoyed the grand rounds, as those also helped me to fine tune my reasoning skills and it was a cool way to interact with other residents.”

-Kristen P


“I feel that the single most beneficial part of residency was mentorship hours. I loved having experienced clinicians to help me develop my critical thinking and manual skills and have been able to help so many more patients achieve their goals and provide purposeful, specially selected interventions instead of feeling like I was throwing darts at a board as a new grad. I also enjoyed the manual interventions taught in the lab portion and have found many of them very helpful in clinical practice. “

-Stacy B


“I am very appreciative of the vast amount of information disseminated to us throughout the courses, with intermittent feedback from teaching assistants and course directors. I appreciated most 1:1 reviews with my mentor, learning about research crucial to patient care, and learning specific interventions and modification to exercise expected of an OCS PT. “

-Steven H