Our Courses

Course Descriptions

Foundations of Advanced Clinical Practice

The purpose of this course is to introduce the resident to online learning, advanced clinical reasoning and introduce concepts of advanced orthopaedic clinical practice.  Topics including pain neuroscience education, movement science and clinical outcome measures will also be explored.   This course runs the length of the orthopaedic residency program as clinical reasoning is an ongoing decision making process used throughout the episode of care.  Sound clinical reasoning, to include using a systematic patient-tailored approach to data gathering and forming early prioritized diagnostic hypotheses, followed by a carefully selected interactive patient history taking and examination to test hypotheses, may reduce cognitive bias and lead to a greater understanding of the patient presentation. This greater understanding reduces the risk of diagnostic error and overly aggressive, poorly tolerated physical therapy sessions. When clinical reasoning generates diagnostic hypotheses requiring medical management, incorporating best-evidence screening strategies may facilitate timely and appropriate medical care.

This course also includes Grand Rounds where the resident will participate in and present a patient case and develop their metacognitions skills (or thinking about your thinking).

Instructional Methods: Year-long online course, 2-day Hands-on lab, virtual grand rounds case discussions


Comprehensive Management of the Lumbopelvic Region

This course focuses on the current best evidence for diagnosing and managing lumbopelvic conditions including, examination, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.  The course format is a blended environment incorporating online learning and an onsite 2 day weekend lab.   In addition, this course will take advantage of technology advancements including virtual web meetings for live discussions.  The Lab portion of this course focuses on skill acquisition of examination and intervention including manual therapy and therapeutic exercise/activities for the lumbar spine and pelvis. Clinical reasoning and evidence-informed practice are underscored throughout both online and lab instruction, exploring the use of thrust and non-thrust manual techniques and exercise in accordance with participants’ state practice acts.  Safety, skill, and indications with each technique are highlighted. Learning is enhanced with the practical application of patient cases.  Each participant will be assessed via manual skills checks and online written assignments.

Instructional Methods: 10 week online course, 2-day Hands-on lab, virtual grand rounds case discussions


Comprehensive Management of the Lower Quarter

This course focuses on the current best evidence for diagnosing and managing lower quarter conditions including, examination, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.  The course format is a blended environment incorporating online learning and an onsite 2 day weekend lab.   In addition, this course will take advantage of technology advancements including virtual web meetings for live discussions.  The lab portion of this course focuses on skill acquisition of examination and intervention including manual therapy and therapeutic exercise/activities for the hip, knee, ankle and foot. Clinical reasoning and evidence-informed practice are underscored throughout both online and lab instruction, exploring the use of thrust and non-thrust manual techniques and exercise in accordance with participants’ state practice acts.  Safety, skill, and indications with each technique are highlighted. Learning is enhanced with the practical application of patient cases.  Each participant will be assessed via manual skills checks and online written assignments.

Instructional Methods: 10 week online course, 2-day Hands-on lab, virtual grand rounds case discussions


Comprehensive Management of the Cervicothoracic Region

This course focuses on the current best evidence for diagnosing and managing cervicothoracic conditions including, examination, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.  The course format is a blended environment incorporating online learning and an onsite 2 day weekend lab.   In addition, this course will take advantage of technology advancements including virtual web meetings for live discussions.  The lab portion of this course focuses on skill acquisition of examination and intervention including manual therapy and therapeutic exercise/activities for the cranium, cervicothoracic spine, ribs and temporomandibular joint. Clinical reasoning and evidence-informed practice are underscored throughout both online and lab instruction, exploring the use of thrust and non-thrust manual techniques and exercise in accordance with participants’ state practice acts.  Safety, skill, and indications with each technique are highlighted. Learning is enhanced with the practical application of patient cases.  Each participant will be assessed via manual skills checks and online written assignments.

Instructional Methods: 10 week online course, 2-day Hands-on lab, virtual grand rounds case discussions


Comprehensive Management of the Upper Quarter

This course focuses on the current best evidence for diagnosing and managing upper quarter conditions including, examination, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.  The course format is a blended environment incorporating online learning and an onsite 2 day weekend lab.   In addition, this course will take advantage of technology advancements including virtual web meetings for live discussions.  The lab portion of this course focuses on skill acquisition of examination and intervention including manual therapy and therapeutic exercise/activities for the shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand. Clinical reasoning and evidence-informed practice are underscored throughout both online and lab instruction, exploring the use of thrust and non-thrust manual techniques and exercise in accordance with participants’ state practice acts.  Safety, skill, and indications with each technique are highlighted. Learning is enhanced with the practical application of patient cases.  Each participant will be assessed via manual skills checks and online written assignments.

Instructional Methods: 10 week online course, 2-day Hands-on lab, virtual grand rounds case discussions


Imaging for the Orthopaedic Physical Therapist 

Covers basic principles and interpretation of diagnostic imaging modalities as they apply for all healthcare providers with imaging privileges.  The emphasis is on plain film radiography, including basic physics of the imaging technique, viewing and interpreting films, radiographic anatomy, and clinical correlation with patient cases.  Other types of imaging including contrast films, MRI and CT will also be introduced.  The appropriateness of imaging studies for various conditions, stages of injury and biopsychosocial considerations will also be discussed.  

Instructional Methods: 2 week online course

Advanced Exercise and Functional Activity Integration

This course is a lab-based session designed for residents to identify functional movement patterns, perform functional testing and prescribe appropriate level functional exercise to address noted impairments and limitations. Both upper quarter and lower quarter conditions will be explored with an emphasis on return to function across the lifespan.  Evidence-informed techniques in Orthopedic Physical Therapy evaluation, assessment, and intervention will be explored.  

Instructional Methods: 2 -day hands-on lab, case discussions



OCS Prep Course

The OCS Prep course is 6 months in duration occurring in the latter half of residency.  We incorporate two online practice exams, online course modules, over 600 additional test prep questions and periodic OCS Prep webinar calls leading up to the certification exam. The support and structure of this program will help you feel confident to succeed on your OCS exam and enhance your clinical practice. 

Instructional Methods: Integration of MedBridge OCS Prep Course with our faculty led online resources and periodic post-residency OCS Prep Calls to help you be confident and be successful on your exam.