Our Courses

Course Descriptions

IAMT Continuing Education Coursework

These courses have been specifically selected to lead to clinical excellence in pelvic health. Excellence in pelvic health begins with a solid foundation in orthopedic physical therapy. The IAMT Lumbar Spine and Lower Quarter, or their equivalent, are highly recommended prior to initiating the IAMT Pelvic Health Certification Track. Please see below for descriptions of each course:

Examination and Treatment of the Lumbopelvic Region:

This course covers clinical examination, manual therapy and exercise treatment interventions for the lumbo-pelvic region utilizing a clinical reasoning approach. The course considers the current literature and compares and contrasts the varying classification systems from competing schools of thought. Further emphasis is placed on tissue differential diagnosis and the influence of the hip and thoracic spine on movement dysfunction. The course covers management of common musculoskeletal conditions for diagnoses such as instability, discogenic pain, radiculopathy, facet syndrome, SI joint pain and myofascial pain syndromes associated with movement dysfunction. The lab intensive course covers a variety of proven manual therapy interventions and exercise prescription utilized to achieve optimum patient outcomes.

Examination and Treatment of the Lower Quarter

This course covers clinical examination, manual therapy and exercise interventions for the entire lower quarter utilizing a clinical reasoning approach and functional movement assessment. The course considers the current literature relative to management of common musculoskeletal conditions of the lower quarter such as hip impingement, hip and knee osteoarthritis, patella-femoral syndrome, iliotibial band syndrome, plantar fasciitis, foot and ankle tendonitis/osis, knee/ankle instability, and ankle sprain. Further emphasis is placed on differential diagnosis and the influence of the lumbo-pelvic and SI joints, neural dynamics and biomechanical assessment of the lower extremity. The lab intensive course covers a variety of proven manual therapy interventions, exercise prescription and specific taping techniques utilized to achieve optimum patient outcomes.

Orthopedic Pelvic Health

This course is designed for PTs/PTAs/OTs/OTAs/ATCs to gain an understanding of the anatomy & role of the pelvic floor muscles (PFM) as a skeletal muscle group that supports the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex and its relationship to the diaphragm & abdominal muscles in controlling intra-abdominal pressure. PTs Clinicians will be able to identify overactive and underactive PFM and develop an appropriate treatment plan, as well as determine whether to treat, treat & refer, or refer out. It is recommended that participants first complete the Lumbopelvic and Lower Extremity courses to establish a strong orthopaedic foundation prior to this course. Case presentations will emphasize neuromusculoskeletal presentations such as posterior pelvic girdle pain, stress urinary incontinence (UI), and hip or groin pain. Select interventions include neuro re-ed, ther-ex, manual therapy, and taping techniques. This course does not include internal PFM examination.

Urogenital Triangle:

This course is designed for PTs/PTAs/OTs/OTAs. This course will review gender-inclusive pelvic floor anatomy related to pelvic floor dysfunctions commonly occurring in the urogenital triangle. The participants will gain an understanding of internal and external urogenital triangle assessment and treatment of lumbopelvic/hip musculature. We will practice assessment and interventions encompassing internal and external approaches for treatment. Participants will cover a variety of diagnoses related to primary bladder conditions, overactive/non-relaxing PFM associated with pelvic pain, vaginismus, pudendal neuralgia, and dyspareunia. More advanced interventions for the physical therapy management of persons with dysfunctional, overactive PFM, will be incorporated through case examples and lab practice. This course will serve as an intermediate course, building upon the foundational orthopedic concepts of rehab professionals obtained in IAMT’s Orthopedic Intro to Pelvic Health course. There will be focus on instruction to accurately identify pelvic floor dysfunction in all genders to develop intervention strategies to address low to moderate complexity pelvic conditions. Evidence-based practice, informed by current Clinical Practice Guidelines, will be emphasized in this course. *This course includes internal assessment skills for pelvic floor musculature. *This course is required as a pre-requisite for the more advanced IAMT Pelvic Health course and must be taken prior to participation in PH3: Advanced Pelvic Health. *This course is a part of IAMT Pelvic Health CPHC certification series. *Participants of all genders are welcome. Prerequisites: PH:Ortho, Pelvic health clinical experience, or equivalent introductory training.

Anorectal Triangle:

This course is designed for PTs/PTAs/OTs/OTAs. In this course, clinicians will be introduced to gender-inclusive internal and external pelvic floor muscle (PFM) examination and treatment of dysfunctions commonly occurring the anorectal triangle. Participants will be instructed in, and have dedicated lab time to practice internal PFM assessment and soft tissue treatment. Clinicians will be encouraged to incorporate their manual orthopedic skills and knowledge into understanding the role of the PFM. More advanced skills for the physical therapy management of persons with overactive / non-relaxing PFM associated with pelvic pain and constipation will also be presented. Education regarding the use of biofeedback with surface EMG, rectal balloons, and real-time ultrasound imaging will be presented. The role of a dietician and food sensitivities affecting digestion and bowel function will be included. Pain neuroscience will be expanded upon as will techniques for examination and treatment of patients with coccydynia and pudendal neuralgia. Contemporary evidence to support physical therapy interventions will be presented. Participants should all bring a patient case that was / is a challenge in that the skills and knowledge gained from introductory curriculum did not adequately address patient’s impairments and goals. *This course includes internal assessment skills for pelvic floor musculature. *IAMT’s Orthopedic Intro to Pelvic Health is a pre-requisite for this course. *This course is required as a pre-requisite for the more advanced IAMT Pelvic Health course and must be taken prior to participation in PH3: Advanced Pelvic Health. *This course is a part of IAMT Pelvic Health CPHC certification series. *Participants of all genders are welcome. Prerequisites: PH: Ortho, Pelvic health clinical experience, or equivalent introductory training.

Advanced Concepts in Pelvic Health:

This course is designed for PTs/PTAs/OTs/OTAs. The biopsychosocial model of understanding pain will be explored more in-depth. Diagnoses discussed in this course include: endometriosis, vulvodynia / vestibulitis, lichens sclerosis, pudendal nerve entrapment, hard flaccid, erectile dysfunction, and non-bacterial prostatitis. Medical diagnostic testing for these conditions will be reviewed, as well as the interprofessional team approach for successful pain management. Additionally, comprehensive management of individuals undergoing gender-affirming medical and surgical procedures will be discussed. A review of the intravaginal and intrarectal examinations will be included in lab and participants wanting to sit for the CPHC examination will need to complete an internal PFM examination with documentation. Unique populations including pediatric, post-menopausal, neobladder, and colon resection will be addressed. *This course includes internal assessment skills for pelvic floor musculature. *IAMT’s Orthopedic Intro to Pelvic Health, PH1: UGT and PH2: ART are pre-requisites for this course. *This course is a part of the IAMT Pelvic Health Certification series. *Participants of all genders are welcome.

Inservice and Tutorials

A variety of specialty topics are hosted throughout the year to build content knowledge and exposure to a variety of pelvic health topics. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Business Success
  • Pregnancy and Post-partum considerations
  • Pessaries
  • Pelvic Surgeries
  • Pharmacological Considerations
  • Pelvic Oncology
  • DRA/Taping Interventions
  • Pain Neuroscience Education
  • Outcomes
  • Mastectomy
  • Lymphedema
  • Osteoporosis
  • Pediatrics
  • Gender-Affirming Care